Sexual Assault Victims Advocate Resource
If you or someone you care about is a victim of sexual violence, we can help.
Free & Confidential Services: (315) 253-9795
SAVAR offers services to survivors of all forms of sexual violence. We also assist family members of victims who need support as they try to come to terms with the painful effects of sexual crimes. Services are available regardless of gender, age, economic/cultural/ethnic background or sexual orientation. We use the utmost care to insure the privacy of our Clients and to create a nurturing environment in which to address these sensitive issues.
24 Hour Hotline: (315) 252-2112
Support is available 24 hours a day – 7 days a week. Certified rape crisis counselors/advocates will answer any questions, help you sort out your feelings, refer you to appropriate resources, accompany you through the process of reporting a sexual assault and with seeking appropriate treatment.
Our therapists are specialized in working with sexual abuse survivors, as well as their families, partners and friends. Therapy is provided within a safe and private setting at 26 Seminary Avenue in Auburn.
Support & Education Groups
A variety of groups are offered to survivors and non-offending family members.
Accompaniment & Advocacy
Advocates are available to meet survivors at medical facilities, law enforcement agencies, and/or the courts to provide emotional support and information about medical and legal procedures as well as to inform victims of their rights.
Crime Victims Compensation
Crime victims are entitled to compensation through the Office of Victim Services. This may include lost wages, damaged property, medical costs, and counseling. SAVAR advocates will assist you in filing out and submitting the claim forms.
Community & Professional Education
Community Education Programs for awareness and prevention are available on a wide range of topics, for all age levels. Topics include: personal safety awareness and safety rules; child sexual abuse awareness and prevention for caregivers; date/acquaintance rape, and on sexual harassment and community resources. Programs are available at no cost to schools, community groups, churches, professionals, and others. Also available at the SAVAR site is a 3 session education program for adults who are concerned about child abuse.
Internships Available
SAVAR offers experiential learning opportunities for students from a range of majors who are pursuing their Bachelors and/or Masters Degree.
Volunteer Opportunities
SAVAR would not exist without the support of our volunteers. Advocates complete a free 40 hour training to become certified rape crisis counselors/advocates and are then prepared to assist victims in a variety of settings. If you are interested in becoming a SAVAR volunteer – contact the SAVAR Service Coordinator through Cayuga Counseling Services, Inc. or 315-253-9795 ext. 302.
* Any person who has reason to believe that they have been unlawfully discriminated against or experienced discriminatory harassment based on religion, race, color, national origin, age, sex, height, weight, marital status, disability, or genetic information by the sub-recipients of federal funds may contact the OVS Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator.
Please copy and paste the link below to learn how to file a complaint with OVS or OCR.